Council announces Free Parking
7th November 2008
Don’t forget - free parking in Blackburn from this Saturday
From this weekend, parking is free in Blackburn town centre every Saturday in the run up to Christmas.
Parking will be free on Saturdays on ALL on-street parking bays and the Council owned car parks for three hour maximum stay. This excludes the privately owned Mall shopping centre.
Along with Saturdays, shoppers will be able to park for free on the Market car park on Wednesdays and Fridays. They will be limited to a three hour stay.
In Darwen, plans for disc parking have been dropped and free parking has been extended to three hours on the Market and Foundry Street car parks.
Parking on Duckworth Street has also been extended to one hour and parking remains free on all other car parks in the town all day including Knott Street and the former Texaco garage site.
The parking bonanza was announced last month to give shoppers and traders a boost during the current difficult economic climate.
The changes in Darwen will remain after the Christmas period has finished.