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Town Centre roadworks complete

Major improvements to a busy junction on Blackburn’s orbital route (A6078) are now complete.

Montague Street has been widened to four lanes to reduce traffic queues and new cycle lanes and pedestrian islands have been installed.

A new right hand turn lane has been also been introduced leading to the new multi storey care park, with traffic lights.

On Street parking bays have been removed and replaced with double yellow lines along Feilden Street to prevent obstructions and improve road safety.

Montague Close will be closed at the Montague Street junction to allow the traffic lights to run more efficiently.

Councillor Dave Harling, Executive Member for Regeneration, said: “We can now see the end result of all the work - to great benefit of all road users wishing to gain access to the new multi storey car park.

“The new traffic signal junction is linked into the other junctions on the Orbital Route (A6078) namely, King Street and Montague Street/Barbara Castle Way. This will reduce congestion on the Orbital route and means that traffic can now exit Feilden Street under traffic signals. Previously, vehicles had to force their way into the lanes of moving traffic, which caused delays and frustration to drivers.

It will also improve road safety for pedestrians and cyclists, particularly as there is a school in the vicinity."

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