Take another LOOK at the LET
14th February 2011
Over 80 people went along to have their portraits taken at the former Vall Hall's jewellers. Photography students have set up a photography studio in the shop and are taking pictures of anyone who visits the walk in studio.
The portraits will be displayed in an exhibition at the shop in town hall square and everyone who has their photograph taken will be given a copy.
The scheme entitled LOOK will runs until Wednesday February 16 from 10 - 4pm, excluding Sunday and Monday.
The final exhibition aims to document the people of Blackburn and celebrate the diverse mix of people in the town.
People are also invited to get involved and submit their own photographs of people in Blackburn.
LOOK is the latest in a series of projects that have seen the formerly empty shop used as an arts space and renamed the Liberating Empty Terrain (LET)
It is funded by the Arts Council and the government's Department of Community and Local Government.
Executive member for Culture and Leisure, Councillor Damian Talbot, said: "This is exactly the type of project that the LET shop was opened for.
"It will give local young people a chance to display their work and show off what a wealth of talent this borough can produce."
The final exhibition will be on the Thursday, February 17, from 4 -9pm for more information click here