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Sun Shines on Blackburn Cathedral Fete

People flocked to Blackburn Cathedral Fete to enjoy the nice weather and all the free entertainment and children's activities. The event began at 10.00am with a range of traditional fete stalls, a giant inflatable slide and Wellybobs Animal Roadshow. Inside the Cathedral was the North West Reptile Club allowing people the chance to see and hold a range of reptiles.

The first showing of this weeks outdoor theatre began at 11am with children and parents alike entertained by the production of The Secret Garden. Meanwhile The Mayor of Blackburn along with the Mayoress, Cannon Stockton of Blackburn Cathedral and Maria from BBC Radio Lancashire were judging the fete's jam competition. The judges were split between two preserves but in the end it was Sister Judith's Plum Jam which won with Sarah's Lemond Curd coming in second and Susan's farmhouse lemon cheese a respectable third.

Laura James and the Lyres provided musical entertainment between theatre shows adding to the atmosphere in the Cathedral Grounds.

The event was deemed a great success by all involved helping to raise money for various appeals and bring new people to the Cathedral. To hear about future events and promotions join our mailing list here.

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