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Robert Graham at Blackburn Library

A man walks into a kitchen

Author Robert Graham will be coming to Blackburn Library on Monday September 5th at 7pm. Tickets are £1 and are available from Blackburn Library.

In ‘A man walks into a kitchen’ Eddie Francey is a young comedian trying to get a break. He wonders if he has what it takes, but he has responsibilities: a wife and young son. He worries if he is the kind of guy who will take the necessary risks, the kind to jump off a cliff. This is the point when an explosive passion for another woman, overtakes him. Family means a lot to him, but all he has ever dreamed of is success. The last thing he needs is to fall for another woman to complicate things.

In this emotive, page-turning story, Robert Graham has created a self-centred, cold-hearted charmer who after a lifetime of keeping himself walled in, suddenly finds that all his barriers are down. Eddie Francey is a prose version of Tony Soprano, a man who retains the reader’s sympathy even when his behaviour is unsympathetic.

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