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1940's Day 'Spectacular Success'

DARWEN's 1940s Day wasm deemed a ‘spectacular success’ even thought the Red Arrows had to cancel their appearance.

The world famous RAF flying team was due to fly over the wartime-themed event but cancelled following the death of Flt Lt Jon Egging, 33, last month.

However there were still plenty of attractions to keep the crowds entertained. The day was organised by the Soldiers Support Group in aid of the ABS soldiers charity and featured a parade, vintage and military vehicles, Darwen Brass Band, Milltown Cloggies and swing music.

Organiser Pat Melia said: “In spite of the rain it was very busy and people were clearly having a good time. There was a lot for people to see and do, the Houghton Weavers alone were a massive attraction. Everyone stayed until the very end. It was a great day."

The day began at 10am as the Darwen Town Crier Coun Anthony Meleady introduced the Mayor of Darwen Coun Paul Browne. Mayor Coun Paul Browne introduced guest of honour Kingsman James Kenyon, who started an air raid siren to signal the beginning of the event.

Visitors were able to enjoy a spread of typical food from the period in Darwen Market Hall and the Bridgewater, while a climbing wall and children’s activities were also supplied. Entertainment was provided by 40s singers the Octavius Sisters and swing music from singer Ricky Lee.

Crowds were also entertained by winner of Darwen’s Got Talent Competition 2010, Pamela Hacking, the Houghton Weavers and the Banjo Man.

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