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Reidy's opens Blackburn store with huge guitar wall

THE largest music superstore outside London is set to open in Blackburn next weekend.

Reidy’s Home of Music will celebrate its 90th anniversary in the town with the official unveiling of its brand new store in Nab Lane at the heart of Blackburn College’s university campus.

To mark the occasion there will be live, in-store appearances from Mobo Award-winning saxophonist YolanDa Brown next Saturday, September 8, and original Dr Feelgood guitarist Wilko Johnson next Sunday.

They will perform on the permanent sound stage built into the 6,500 square foot store. There will also be a series of live demonstrations from specialists from some of the leading brands of instruments including Fender and Gibson guitars and Yamaha keyboards.

Reidy’s new home – the company was previously based in Penny Street – features a stunning ‘guitar wall’, possibly the largest of its kind in the world.

There will also be a special Fender room and a Yamaha Homeworld giving customers chance to try a huge range of instruments.

In total, Reidy’s holds more than 4,000 different electric and acoustic guitars in stock along with a massive array of amps and an extensive selection of left hand models.

The new superstore carries an extensive selection of sheet music and the education department showcases a vast selection of orchestral strings and brass and woodwind instruments, with specialist support for students and teachers.

Drummers are equally well catered for, with a wide choice of acoustic and electronic drums from leading brands The family run business was established in 1922 and has played an important part in the musical heritage and cultural life of Blackburn. For the past 11 years it has also been one of the UK’s most successful online music retailers.

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