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Launch Event for Walking Festival

Witton Weavers Way Walking Festival Launch event will be on Thursday, April 18 2013.  Please meet at the Witton Visitor Centre 1.45pm.

The Mayor has very kindly offered to attend as we mark this special occasion with a walk that features the new Witton Park History trail.

This years festival celebrates '10' years with a variety of walks across the locality that will appeal to all ages and abilities. The programme of walks held during June is organised by Countryside Services in partnership with the Re:fresh team, Blackburn Library plus support from the Local Rambling Groups of Spring Vale Rambler Group and the Ramblers Association Blackburn & Darwen groups. Also for this year we have several challenging walks by the East Lancashire Long Distance Association. Alfred Wainwright will also feature with walks that reflect the 'Wainwright Way' and also includes a talk by friend of Wainwright, Ron Scholes to be held at Blackburn Central Library.

The Festival helps raise awareness of walking activities available and to explore the wonderful surrounding countryside within the borough.

If you are able to attend we recommend wearing suitable shoes/clothes for this guided walk telling the story of the Feilden Family who owned the Park.

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