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Blackburn Jewellers Celebrates Major Milestone

A long-established Blackburn jewellers is set to celebrate 50 years of success on Darwen Street with a series of offers in-store throughout November.

Ainsworth Jewellers, which was established in Blackburn 145 years ago will be celebrating in style with daily promotions in-store and an invitation only party for loyal customers on Saturday, 7th November.

The family run business, which was founded in 1870, relocated from the shopping centre to their current store in the mid-60s. 

Philip Ainsworth of Ainsworth Jewellers, said: “50 years is such an important milestone for us, I could not let it pass without organising a celebration for all the customers who have shopped with us throughout the time. It’s also a chance for us to celebrate moving forward for the next 50 years in Blackburn. We hope that with the new Cathedral Quarter, Darwen Street will become the focus of independent shopping within the community.”

Earlier in the year, Ainsworth Jewellers launched a display of archives and exhibits at Blackburn’s Heritage Festival, organised by the Blackburn Business Improvement District (BID).

Mr Ainsworth, who is also a Blackburn BID board member, plans on expanding the display as part of the 50-year celebration, he explained: “Our plan is to relaunch the display this month and the idea is that the exhibit, which features a perfectly cut Diamond Tiara, will become a permanent exhibition and an attraction for visitors.”

 For further information visit www.ainsworthjewellers.com

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