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Putting Lancashire’s young artists in the frame

Young artists from across Lancashire are exhibiting their work in unusual spaces across the county as part of a new youth project.

The project, entitled somewhereto_FRAMED is open to artists aged 16-25 in the North West and has already seen their artworks pop up in a variety of unconventional locations during November.

The work is being displayed all over the county from bus stops to book shops, cafes to corner shops and from windows to walls and features a range of different art forms and styles. 

Currently 11 artists have been chosen to have their work displayed in 11 locations across East Lancashire but the project is now taking new submissions for December and January.

somewhereto_FRAMED has been organized by somewhereto_, a UK wide project delivered in the North West by Culturapedia and funded by a £7m grant from the Big Lottery Fund to support its nationwide expansion to 2016. somewhereto_ helps 16-25 year olds access free spaces in their communities, to launch and develop creative and enterprising endeavours.

Whether young people are interested in music, fashion, art, science, tech, theatre, sport or starting an enterprise, somewhereto_ is the space that allows young people the freedom to realise their potential, kick-start ideas, sell their products or services, showcase creative concepts and boost their skills.

Speaking about the project, somewhereto_’s Engagement Coordinator, Sophie Skellern said: 

“It can be really difficult for young artists to get their work out there for the public to see, so we wanted to give them the opportunity to do that. It’s also great to have artwork in places you wouldn’t normally expect to see it as it opens it up to a whole new audience. We’re currently taking submissions for January so we’d encourage anyone interested to get in touch.”

So far the 11 artists whose work has been exhibited are: Ryan Garry, Tarryn Harriet, Rachel Hartley, Daisy Hilliard, Nathan Caldecott, Claire Doyle, Adam Findlay, Antonia Hennerley, Charlotte Bickett, Kirstie Gilleade and Katie Suthers. 

Katie Suthers (pictured), 23, is a final year student at Blackburn University Centre and she is delighted to have one of her photographs displayed on a bus stop in Darwen. She said: 

“The image on display showcases work I did in New York and the fact it was chosen inspires me to get out there and create more work. It’s fantastic to have such a huge audience from the location it’s in and the project is really helping to get my name out there.”

Submissions for new work have been accepted for December and are now open for January. Anyone aged between 16-25 is eligible to enter. For more information on how to submit your artwork please email sophie@somewhereto.org.


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