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‘Get here early!' is the message to visitors coming into Blackburn for the annual Festival of Light on Saturday

Community Civic Carol Service followed by Spectacular Festival of Light

‘Get here early!' is the message to visitors coming into Blackburn for the annual Festival of Light on Saturday 16th December, with a reminder, for those that haven't picked it up, that the timetable for the event has been significantly changed. Visitors are advised to read the programme and study the map carefully before setting off so as not to miss anything!

In a change to the usual order of activities, proceedings will begin earlier with the Cathedral Service at 3.30pm rather than at the end of the evening.

There will be bands, performances and entertainment on Church Street between 4.30-5pm, followed by the lantern parade which will line up outside the bus station on Ainsworth Street at 5pm, taking a new route right up to Sudell Cross, before turning left at Liz n Lils and moving down to Blakey Moor and Northgate. There will a pop up street food market on King William Street though out the day. After the parade arrives on King William Street there will be an hour to enjoy more bands performances and entertainment between 6-7pm, finishing with the finale fireworks outside the town hall rather than the Cathedral.

In a full programme, some of the attractions include a pop up light gallery and workshop with artists based in a unit on the corner of Town Hall Street, explosive fire dancing from favourites, Flame Oz and an innovative mobile projector system which will emblazon the bees, birds, flowers, shuttles and the hive from Blackburn's coat of arms across the town's most loved buildings.

Thanks to support from the business members of Blackburn BID and Blackburn With Darwen Borough Council, over the last three years the event has steadily grown to become an annual tradition for the community attracting thousands of people from across the region. This year, Arts Council England and Awards for All funding means that the parade and artistic content will be more exciting than ever.

The map and more details can be found HERE 

Pictured above: The Lantern Parade (Part of the Festival of Light)

Pictured below: The Rev Kate Bottley who will be joining in the Annual Community Carol Service at the Cathedral

More images of performers at the Festival of Light can be found here

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