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Luke Concannon Plus Guests at Darwen Library Theatre

This July, Luke Concannon, the man who gave Ed Sheeran work experience in the music industry, brings his acoustic set to Darwen Library Theatre.

Luke is an English singer-songwriter who writes songs from his depths. Luke writes about people power, poverty, intimacy, and his grandmas.

Best known for being the lead singer/guitarist with Nizlopi, who topped the charts with ‘The JCB Song' in 2005, Luke has been releasing music under his own name since his 2013 album ‘Give It All.'

He moved to America for love in 2016 but is back in Europe this summer to share his new album.

Luke is well known for his inclusive and engaging shows, so be prepared for mass sing-alongs, audience sharing and dancing.

“Political, intense, angular, and beautiful. The guy who wrote the JCB song.” BBC Radio 1

“One of my three main influences along with Van Morrison.” Ed Sheeran (speaking about Luke)

“His humanising songs, his way of drawing in the whole floor, and activist love are so needed.” Alastair Mcintosh (writer)


VENUE: Darwen Library Theatre, Knott St, Darwen, Lancashire BB3 3BU

DATE: Saturday 21st July 2018

TIME: Doors: 7.00pm



Tickets are available

Online: www.darwenlibrarytheatre.com

By Phone: 0844 847 1664

In Person: From Darwen Library, Knott Street, Darwen or Darwen Leisure Centre, The Green, Darwen or King George's Hall Box Office, Northgate, Blackburn.

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