Calling all 16 and 17 year olds!
23rd March 2019
When was the last time you felt unstoppable?
This Summer, mark your calendar with 3 letters, NCS...
....and show the world who's unstoppable!
JOIN US this Summer as part of the NCS (National Citizen Service) Programme and be part of something amazing. The NCS programme involves:
- Four weeks of action packed programme
- Taking part in two week long residential trips.
- Taking part in a variety of outdoor activities such as abseiling, climbing, orienteering and much more ...
- Developing confidence, skills, team building and gaining amazing life skills!
- Having the opportunity to plan and deliver a Social Action project and make a difference.
- Have a chance to meet new friends!
Programme Start date: 22nd July 2019.
Phase 1 - PGL Winmarleigh Hall - A five-day, four-night residential based away from home with fun activities such as canoeing, rock climbing and abseiling. A chance to meet new people and enjoy some adventure, fun and freedom!
Phase 2 - Harwes Farm - A further 5 days and four nights residential, where you'll develop life skills like confidence, leadership and communication to boost your CV or UCAS personal statement.
Phase 3 - BYZ - Working in teams, you'll put your new skills into practice by delivering a community project of your choice. Plan, fundraise, make a difference!
Price: Only £20! Price includes - TWO over night residentials(4 nights and 5 days) and main meals!
Limited places are available on NCS Programmes in the Blackburn and the surrounding areas, see poster for more details.
To find out more:
Call us: 01254 292 000